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Environment | Bucuti & Tara Marketplace


An Eco-Friendly Resort

The Caribbean's first and only Carbon Neutral Resort

At Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, we’re just as passionate about nature and its beauty as you are. In fact, Bucuti is one of Aruba’s - and the Caribbean’s - greenest hotels and has been since it was built in 1987.

We’re proud to be the first CarbonNeutral® resort hotel in North America, to have initiated the first Green Globe 21 certification of hotels in Aruba in 2000, and we are the first resort in the Americas to be certified ISO 14001.

Owner Ewald Biemans is a visionary in sustainable tourism and has been the most prolific steward of Aruba’s community for the environment. We go far beyond towel and electricity-saving programs, and have made significant investments in eco-technologies and systems, as well as environmentally safe products. Read our Sustainability Report.

The resort has been called "a glowing example for all Caribbean hoteliers." Among our many environmental initiatives are:

  • Switching to greener, eco-friendly types of paper for its resort marketing materials, by which Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort has been able to save 82 trees, as well as reduce waste water by 37,617 gallons, solid waste by 2,315 lb and greenhouse gases by 7,936 lb.
  • Ensuring we have the lowest per-occupied-room electricity usage of all hotels in Aruba. (Source: Central Bank of Aruba study by Deloitte)
  • Reducing our carbon footprint by sourcing local suppliers and products made on Aruba.
  • Solar panels heating water for guest rooms and the laundry.
  • Water reducers, which cut down water flow by 60% in all showers and faucets, and low-flow toilets.
  • Sink and shower water treated and reused in the gardens.
  • Bulk purchasing and use of in-room dispensers delivering genuine Aruba Aloe freshly made shampoos, conditioners and lotions instead of individual packages in plastic containers.
  • Using biodegradable and environmentally friendly detergents.
  • Subsidize thousands of spay & neuter surgeries to reduce the problem with overpopulation and abandoned dogs and cats on island.

Environmental awareness has always been a major focus of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, and long before phrases like “eco-tourism” and “eco-resorts” moved into the mainstream, Bucuti was winning awards such as the Caribbean Hotel Association Environmental Stewardship Award. Since then we’ve gone on to earn numerous environmental awards and certifications.

In addition to our own environmental work at the resort, Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort supports community eco-efforts, including:

  • Donkey Sanctuary Aruba, a volunteer-run foundation that takes in sick and injured animals
  • Turtugaruba, a local foundation that protects giant sea turtles
  • Animal Rights Aruba, which aims to protect all fauna, flora and marine life on and around the island of Aruba
  • Member of AHATA Environmental Committee
  • Support introduction of law to ban plastic bags on island.
  • Support Dog Law to reduce problem of stray dogs.
  • Recycling contest – artworks made of recycled materials - annually
  • Carbon offset program offered on our website

At Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, luxury and an eco-friendly business model aren’t mutually exclusive – they go hand-in-hand. Want to know more about our green practices? Download our Environmental Best Practices brochure or see below to find out how you can get involved.


  • Certified CarbonNeutral®
  • ISO 14001
  • Green Globe Platinum
  • Travelife Gold
  • LEED Gold


  • LED bulbs across the property
  • Solar Panels producing 20% of energy
  • Motion sensor lights in public areas
  • Timers on lights in office and some public areas
  • Eco sensors in rooms to increase temperature when room is empty
  • VRF energy saving cooling technology in rooms, fitness center and Elements
  • Load Dryers to full capacity before use
  • Solar heated water
  • Energy saving equipment and appliances
  • Track consumption of electricity
  • Insulated windows


  • Water canteens and water coolers for guests to discourage the purchase of plastic bottles. 290,000 water bottles saved per year
  • Electronic signature at check-in instead of paper
  • Recycling bins for aluminum and green glass
  • Left-over food donated to local farmers
  • Old furniture is reused or sold for refurbishment
  • Purchase products in bulk
  • Dispensers for toiletries rather than individual packaging
  • Welcome signs made of used boxes
  • Print paper on both sides
  • Paperless communication and record keeping
  • Floor covering in Fitness Center is made of recycled tires
  • Fitness Center towels made out of old beach towels
  • Laundry bags made of old sheets
  • Reuse keycards
  • Reuse breads from breakfast to make croutons and bread pudding
  • No disposable items used (forks, knives, spoons, plates, cups etc.)
  • Newspapers on request only
  • Lawn clippings are composted and used in gardening
  • No disposable paper fliers to describe island activities at concierge desks or in rooms (electronic signs or laminated/reusable signs only).  


  • Locally made toiletries (Aruba Aloe)
  • Local artwork
  • Do not offer all-inclusive program, encouraging guests to experience local restaurants
  • Subsidize Spay & Neuter surgeries for dogs and cats on island to reduce population growth
  • Donate to several local non-profits, including Animal Rights Aruba, Donkey Sanctuary, and Imeldahof orphanage.


  • Load washing machines to full capacity before use
  • Water saving faucets
  • Water saving toilets
  • Grey water used for irrigation in garden
  • Changing of bed linens only on Wednesday and Saturday and on request or check out
  • Sprinklers are on timers which are adjusted depending on amount of rainfall. We also collect rain water and use it for irrigation.
  • Towels changed only if found on floor or in tub and at check out
  • Use of paper filters for pool filtration - 1/10 of the water used with back washing
  • Track water use


  • Monthly Beach Clean Ups with guests and employees
  • Farmed wood
  • Outdoor deck made of recycled materials
  • Use of eco-friendly cleaning products
  • Discourage guest activities that are harmful to the environment
  • Turtle nesting areas on the beach marked with appropriate signage (when necessary)
  • Reduce lights at night during turtle nesting season


  • Water Safety devices
  • Grease traps to avoid contaminating grey water supply
  • Food safety practices (HACCP)
  • Berson Inline UV lights installed on all water supply lines which combine a wide spectrum of useful UV wave lengths with a very high energy output.  This combination causes total and permanent deactivation of micro-organism, avoiding photo reactivation.
  • UV system for grey water system
  • Air Purifier and Dehumidifier in rooms
  • HACCP colored cutting boards,
  • HACCP temperature controls of food and coolers to maintain safety
  • Annual testing for Legionella; water circulation monitored weekly so that water does not stand for more than 10 days.
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products
  • Use of least harmful coolant gas possible
  • Outside Contractors agreements ensure their adherence to our Environmental and Safety Policy while working
  • All F&B staff are HACCP compliant and have government health certificate


  • Eco tours on property for schools.  
  • Presentations at regional conferences about best practices
  • Eco tours for employees
  • Green Team with each department represented
  • Sponsor environmental Public Service Announcements.
  • Green channel on in-room TV featuring our green practices

Photo credit: Aruba Flora & Fauna

Join In:

Join the Bucuti Team on the next Beach Clean Up

Bucuti’s owner and managing director, Ewald Biemans created Aruba’s Environmental committee within the Hotel Association in the early 1990’s and one of his early projects was “Sponsor-a-Mile” whereby Aruba Hotel Association committed to keeping one mile of beach or roadside clean. The third Wednesday of the month continues to be Bucuti’s beach cleaning day and hundreds of Aruba’s visitors have participated along the way in partnership with resort staff.

Green Stay Program

We invite our guests to choose a Green Stay to help conserve water and electricity.  Participation involves Housekeeping service twice a week only.  Trash will be taken from room daily, beds will be made daily (sheets not replaced), amenities replenished and the dehumidifier will be emptied, daily.  Turndown service is not included (Turndown is temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 to reduce contact and to maintain a touchless, sterile environment.)

We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination.  If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase, when you travel to Aruba, and bring supplies for a children’s home in need.. you’ll make a priceless impact in the lives of local children. We work with Children’s home Imeldahof.  The home offers shelter and guidance to boys and girls (ages 6-12) who, due to circumstances, cannot live with their parents or caregivers.  Please click here for more information on Pack for a Purpose. You bring your gift items to our front desk at Bucuti, and we deliver them to Imeldahof once a month. Thank you for your generosity and kindness! 

Note: Please save your receipts and have them with your donation in your suitcase in the event customers upon arrival asks about the donated items.  A maximum value of $210 worth of items can be brought in, duty free.

Adopt an Island Dog or Cat 

Bucuti offers a program that assists animal-loving guests in adopting “Cunucu” dogs and cats from the island that are in need of a loving home. Guests from the U.S. who wish to adopt a pet in Aruba are encouraged to advise the resort in advance so they can be connected with a local organization that will help find a dog or cat that is the right match. Or, if one of our guests happens to fall in love with a stray while they are here, we are happy to help them out as well. Bucuti covers the costs of any necessary veterinary services, medication and the documentation, as well as a kennel for transport of the animal to his new home. (Quarantine restrictions within the E.U. currently prohibit us to extend the program to our European guests.)

Help Animal Rights Aruba build a Shelter

ARA has received a piece of land and a plan was drawn up by a local architect.  Funds are needed to build this shelter to help house dogs and cats while they recover from spay & neutering surgery or to await a foster home or adoption after being saved from abuse.  You can donate via bank transfer and help reduce the animal population on the streets.  

Judge a Recycled Crafts Contest

Bucuti’s Green Team organizes an event several times a year whereby Bucuti associates are invited to create crafts from recycled items and enter them in a competition. Guests are invited to be judges during a lively celebration and exhibition of the recycled submissions. Events take place at Christmas time (Recycled Christmas crafts), Halloween (Recycled costumes and decor), Spring and Summer. Our concierge team can inform you if an event will take place during your stay. 

Reduce your Carbon Footprint Logo

Worried about your increasing your Carbon Footprint with your flight to Aruba? Offset your Carbon by purchasing renewable energy credits:   Reducing the amount of energy we use is critically important in the effort to stop global warming, Native Energy can help you.


Copyright © 2024 Bucuti & Tara Beach Resorts - Aruba
